October 28, 2008
Sheena 3 years ago
I don’t know what that person is saying. Jamaica is out of many one people and yes it’s majority black but that does not mean to use the word “coolie”, are you dumb or are you dumber??? Would you like the Jamaican Indians call yuh “nigga” GTFOH ..i’ll cuss anyone who say that word. Damn fool. Common sense is common sense, using it in derogatory way then wah nyam we curry. Move
Sheena 3 years ago
I heard they teased my family in school back in the days “bout coolie hair” and all ah dem and them grandpickney a buy “Indian hair” now..get from me wid dat crap. Bout “it’s ok to use the word in Ja” no the hell it’s not. It will be ok, when it’s ok to say nigga. Gweh
dog blood
sheena 8 years ago
My partner has boiled me some dog blood plant I've kept it in fridge since last week now it smells is it ok to drink?