The fruit of the Flacourtia indica which is a species of flowering plant native to much of Africa and tropical and temperate parts of Asia. The fruit itself is a pome about an inch thick and red ripening purple. It is very fleshy and has 6 to 10 seeds in layered carpels. The pulp is yellow or white and sweet with an acidic tang. It is eaten raw or made in to jelly or jam. It can be fermented to make wine.
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Joseph millington
8 years ago
is there another dounce fruit ( like that in Barbados?
Joseph millington
8 years ago
it has one seed
Akima Demetro
8 years ago
thanks alot
6 years ago
Thanks wts the health benefits
4 years ago
The name is the same but the fruit is different. The bajan dounce has just one seed. The fruit pictured here is not the same thing though.
Governer plum
2 years ago
This is rolling cherry it has multiple seed dounce has one
Bobby Goodman
2 years ago
This site also carries Dunks, singular almost never used (a Dunk), which is the Bajan fruit that we know well.