I do not think anyone out there has a better recipes dealing with the gullybeans,than I do. I can create many dishes, juices, and medicinal purposes with Gullybeans, That obtained as a fruit. I grew up eating the gully beans, and am now 43 years old in marvelous health. Praised God for such a plant. The Gully Beans, the health best.
I am Jamaican live and work in the b .v.I I had been eating gullybean from I kmow my self its is one of the most delicious dish in allway you can prepare it the juice marvelous I love it susumba typing the comments I has a glass of susumba leaflets blend with ginger,.and garlic drinking to cure some stubborn flu that trying to take control of me .and it workings so you know susumba is medicine too
Can I please have the recipe for the juice? Thanks
Recipes by which I can get some health benefits