That is not a keskidee, it is a little bananaquit, a keskidee is a much bigger bird (like the size of a black-bird), but the markings are similar.
How do you know that's not just a young keskidee?
Aunty Katie not synonymous with bananaquit. Two different birds. Let me do some searching.
shape of the beak tells me that it's not a young keskidee.
it never
it is a keskidee
it is a keskidee
this is so not a Keskidee. It is a bananaquit.
That picture is that of a SEMP better known as a bannaquit, the Keskidee is much larger with similar markings except the black is now brown and yellow breasted. So People get your info right before you post. Can you coffee an tea lovers support my website: www.fabiantea.organogold.com
It is inconceivable that someone could mistake a keskidee for a bananaquit. The keskidee is at least three times as large as a bananaquit.The keski has a large area of brown. In Trinidad, the sikier(sucrier?) does not have this brown. It has a very dark grey or black in this area. It's beak is also much smaller and curved downwards. The keski's beak is large and points straight forward.
Is the name 'Keskidee derived from the French expression 'Qu'est-ce-qu'il-dit' or in English, what is he said, so invented by the French Trini-creoles first half of 19th century ?
What is the scientific Latin denomination for this kind of bird ? Please ?
Pitangus sulphuratus
Guyanese refer this as "yellow plaintain" because of the color
it is one:)
The bird featured above is a keskidee.
The most obvious identifier is the white stripe on it's head. On the Bananquit, or Sugar Eater as it is known in some areas, there are two stripes beginning at the base of the beak and finishing on it's back. On the Keskidee the white area is continuous around it's head making it look as though it's wearing a black skull-cap
Bananaquit/sugar bird k/eskidee and so on are the same bird
yes it is
keskidee has straight beak. bannaquit has curved beak. how hard is it to realise that the bird above has a straight beak? it is obviously a keskidee, plus, you can's really tell the size accurately in the photo
It is😎
I heard the word ‘kiskede’ originated from French or Patois…”quest ki dit” … meaning - “What you say?” Do I have ipthevFrench correctly? raviji