The Giant Ditch Frog is a species of frog that is native to the Caribbean islands of Dominica and Montserrat. it is hunted and prized as food. the giant ditch frog is one of the largest frogs in the world, with adult females growing up to 21 cm long. it is highly variable in colour, with the upperparts varying from a uniform chestnut-brown to being barred or even spotted. The colour becomes more orange-yellow on the sides of the body, and pale yellow on the underparts. a black line runs from the snout to the angle of the mouth, and the upper-legs often have broad banding.
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9 years ago
crappo. too much land in Guyana to eat crappo.
it looks bludclat nasty
3 years ago
So ppl actually eating that shid
3 years ago
aka crapaud