Being a Jahmoza, as he is the rassest of the rasses
It means when you are mad like ...Oh rass somebody sent my car
Yuh mussi tink seh mi a ass (you must be mistaking me for an idiot)
my favorite word is rass
Your rass to bright!!!!
U rass head na gud !!😁
Shut yuh rass mouth
belizeans also say rass
infact mi cyaa go ah day wit out saying dis wud (i cannot go a day without saying rass)
Muddaskunts. Mi say rass nuff times
Smart mi rass.
Every Guyanese favorite word 😁😁😁. "Wuh de rass yuh telling meh", "shut yuh rass", "carry yuh rass", "watch rass deh" ✌
Wa di rass wrang with u? Na tek u rass n pass me eh! A sheer rass pass a go lang deh? a who de rass she think she is?
Ya lil rass tink mi in hear ya
Me like de word rasshole tuh
Shut Yuh rass
Oh skunt
Kiss me rass
Surinaamese people say it too and it means the same thing. We use it in pissy situations too like “Shut unu rass mouth”
We say it in Panama 🇵🇦
In j.a read is used 24/7 (shut u rass, pass mi di blue rass ting , tek u rass an guh bath
Hall yuh rass guh bath
you smell like rass
Ras means head.. Ras Tafari being the head creator. “Rasclot” means head cloth.. Bombo means butt.. Im a Rastaman id never use Ras like yall claim it is.
Don't listen to rio. What he's saying is wrong and stupid.
'ras' and 'raas' are different words
yow wah yuh chart bout
Mi noh need dis mi don speak alla dena language😂
Gimme suh wata
I told someone to kiss meh raas ! Then I called them a cotton picking cunt of a raas hole ! Did I used the wording right?
mi already don speak all dis mehnn😂