a door
Sandy 5 years ago
Mi deh a mi yaad
Sandy 8 years ago
Also known as Cruffers
Sandy 12 years ago
Very easy to make, North American style; instead of wraping in Banana leaves, use foil paper and cook it in a steamer. The mixture does not need any particular measurements and usually include: corn meal, grated coconut, brown sugar, butter, flour for binding, enough water or almond milk to combine to a thick consistency. Vanilla, rose water, or almond water and salt for flavouring, you may even add raisins! steam for at least one hour or until the cornmeal is cooked through and it becomes hard to the touch. Remove from steamer let cool, unwrapp and enjoy. Great with hot chocolate, or coffee or warmed in the micro wave like applie pie and eat with vanilla icecream for dessert.
Sandy 9 years ago
They are also called guineps in the Cayman Islands. Just gave one to my coworker who is form the UK to try. It was his first one :D and he's been here 7 years :o. Also I thought lychee tasted like guinep and am happy to know they are related.
blue gaulin
Sandy 4 years ago
Just saw one in my garden in St. Andrew
Sandy 12 years ago
Jackfruit, also found in Jamaica
Sandy 12 years ago
The Jamaincan flag should be over this food, with a picture of fried ripe platain oerhaps?
Sandy 12 years ago
corrections....fried ripe Platian....the word was suppose to be: 'perhaps'