MISSPELLING TO BE CORRECTED: The 2nd word of the definition entry, above, should be "dessert" (not "desert").
The picture looks like tamales wraped in banana leaves. I thought dukunu was wrapped in corn husks?
Called "pemi" (pronounced pen-me) in St. Lucia
I want eat dukunu.whare I find it
In Jamaica, I've only seen this wrapped in banana leaf not corn husks. The banana leaf imparts a certain flavour to the dukunu.
Very easy to make, North American style; instead of wraping in Banana leaves, use foil paper and cook it in a steamer. The mixture does not need any particular measurements and usually include: corn meal, grated coconut, brown sugar, butter, flour for binding, enough water or almond milk to combine to a thick consistency. Vanilla, rose water, or almond water and salt for flavouring, you may even add raisins! steam for at least one hour or until the cornmeal is cooked through and it becomes hard to the touch. Remove from steamer let cool, unwrapp and enjoy. Great with hot chocolate, or coffee or warmed in the micro wave like applie pie and eat with vanilla icecream for dessert.
You can get Dukunu in Miami ,Florida at FANCY LOAF BAKERY 305-249-7225
Whe yu get banana leaf from?
know is Barbados as conkies..
sorry, that should be "known in Barbados as conkies"
It already has conkies as a synonym bajgal.
It's called paime in Trinidad
It's called Ducana. Thaw spelling is incorrect.
it is spelled ducana and it is not a dessert (at least not in my family)
its calle blue draws in jamaica and is a dessert
Pemi and ducana are different. Pemi is usually made with coconut, milk, cornmeal, (and you can add some raisins if you want). While ducana is made mainly with sweet potato.
Not a desert for us. We eat it with stew chicken for lunch
From Akan: doko na sweeten mouth Twi: boiled maize Ga: Adangme dokona
the spelling is correct and it's made with fresh grind corn and cornmeal and wrap in corn husk.or for the people without corn hush they wrapped it in foil...
Jamaican Blue Drawers, Duckunoo, or Tie Leaf are the names that are given to this boiled pudding of West African origin. Jamaicans are very fond of this starchy, green banana-based boiled pudding, which is enjoyed as a snack or dessert.