All yuh can also be used sometimes to address a single person - as in "All yuh hush up y'mouth, nuh man!"
Honestly, this maybe a little extreme; please forgive me. As I got older, I begin to watch and do much study apon creolese or Guyanese creole. And my family usually take out the "y" or the "ll", this always indicated to me whether it was plural or singular. For example, "A'yuh caant c(g)aluhvont pon di matras" (you guy can not play on the bed ir mattress). And singular "alla"
Guyanese do not say allyuh! We say A’yoh or yall. Allyuh is purely Trinbagonian.
To Guyanese commentators: yes, the definition recognises the Guyanese 'ayou' under 'synonyms'. It is right there with the Jamaican unnu.
We say: yu
Uses ayou as opposed to the more Trini Allyuh
In SXM we say ayou meaning all you. Search up SXM and see where it is!
Allyuh is a word your grandmother would use when she would randomly forget your name "ay allyuh come an wash yh hands"
Is allyuh a French derived word?
Correction, Guyaneses say "A'yuh" for "you all," not "allyuh."