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big eye grieve
The Spectacled Thrush, Bare-eyed Thrush, or Yellow-eyed Thrush, is a resident breeding bird in the Lesser Antilles and in South America from Colombia and Venezuela south and east to northern Brazil. The Spectacled Thrush is 23–24 cm long and weighs 60 g. It is plain olive-brown above and paler brown below. The throat is brown-streaked off-white, and the lower belly is whitish. It has a prominent yellow eye ring which gives rise to its English and scientific names.
A grackle found throughout the greater antilles as well as smaller, nearby islands. Like all quiscalus grackles, it is a rather large, gregarious bird. the 27 cm long male is glossy black with a large tail; the 24 cm long female has a smaller tail and is similar in colour but less glossy than the male. It lives largely in heavily settled areas
blue jean
The Blue-grey Tanager, it is a medium-sized South American songbird of the Tanager family, Thraupidae. Its range is from Mexico south to northeast Bolivia and northern Brazil, all of the Amazon Basin, except the very south. The Blue-grey Tanager is 16–18 cm (6.3-7.1 in) long and weighs 30-40 grams (1.1-1.4 oz.) Adults have a light bluish head and underparts, with darker blue upperparts and a shoulder patch colored a different hue of blue. The bill is short and quite thick. Sexes are similar, but the immature is much duller in plumage.
boat tail
A grackle found throughout the greater antilles as well as smaller, nearby islands. Like all quiscalus grackles, it is a rather large, gregarious bird. the 27 cm long male is glossy black with a large tail; the 24 cm long female has a smaller tail and is similar in colour but less glossy than the male. It lives largely in heavily settled areas
The Striated Heron, adults have a blue-grey back and wings, white underparts, a black cap and short yellow legs. Juveniles are browner above and streaked below.
Turkey vulture or black vulture. A large carrion feeding bird of prey with a turkey-like bald red or black head.
The Rufous-vented Chachalaca, is a member of an ancient group of birds of the Cracidae family, which are related to the Australasian mound builders. It inhabits northeast Colombia and northern Venezuela where it is called Guacharaca, and in Tobago where it is known as the Cocrico and is the island's national bird. It is also found on Bequia and Union Island in the Grenadines where it may have been introduced.
national symbol
Turkey vulture or black vulture. A large carrion feeding bird of prey with a turkey-like bald red or black head.
day clean
The Tropical Mockingbird (Mimus gilvus) is a resident breeding bird from southern Mexico south to northern Brazil, and in the Lesser Antilles and other Caribbean islands. Adults are 25 cm long and weigh 54g. They are grey on the head and upper parts with yellow eyes, a white eye stripe and dark patch through the eye. The underparts are off-white and the wings are blackish with two white wing bars and white edges to the flight feathers. They have a long dark tail with white feather tips, a slim black bill with a slight downward curve, and long dark legs.
A nocturnal, fruit eating bird that navigates by echolocation (like bats). They are mainly reddish-brown with white spots on the nape and wings. Lower parts are cinnamon-buff spotted with white. The stiff tail feathers are a rich brown spotted with white on either side. In the past, the fat chicks were boiled down as a source of oil.
The Little Blue Heron is a small heron. It breeds from the Gulf states of the USA through Central America and the Caribbean south to Peru and Uruguay. It is a medium-large, long-legged, heron with a long pointed blue or greyish bill with a black tip.
god bird
The Southern House Wren, (Troglodytes aedon), is a very small songbird of the wren family, Troglodytidae. House Wren species occurs from Canada to southernmost South America, and is thus the most widely distributed bird in the Americas. All subspecies have blackish barring to the wings and tail, and some also to the flanks. All subspecies show a faint eye-ring and eyebrow and have a long, thin bill with a blackish upper mandible, and a black-tipped yellowish or pale grey lower mandible. The legs are pinkish or grey. The short tail is typically held cocked. This bird's rich bubbly song is commonly heard during the nesting season but rarely afterwards. There is marked geographical variation in its song, though somewhat more gradual than in the birds' outward appearance which can strikingly differ e.g. on neighboring islands in the Caribbean. Birds from far north and south of the species' range nonetheless have songs that differ markedly.
house bird
The Southern House Wren, (Troglodytes aedon), is a very small songbird of the wren family, Troglodytidae. House Wren species occurs from Canada to southernmost South America, and is thus the most widely distributed bird in the Americas. All subspecies have blackish barring to the wings and tail, and some also to the flanks. All subspecies show a faint eye-ring and eyebrow and have a long, thin bill with a blackish upper mandible, and a black-tipped yellowish or pale grey lower mandible. The legs are pinkish or grey. The short tail is typically held cocked. This bird's rich bubbly song is commonly heard during the nesting season but rarely afterwards. There is marked geographical variation in its song, though somewhat more gradual than in the birds' outward appearance which can strikingly differ e.g. on neighboring islands in the Caribbean. Birds from far north and south of the species' range nonetheless have songs that differ markedly.
jumbee bud
Pitangus sulphuratus - The large tyrant flycatcher - a bird with a distinctive yellow, black and white markings. The head is black with a strong white eyestripe and a concealed yellow crown stripe. The upper parts are brown, and the wings and tail are brown with usually strong rufous fringes.
manicou bird
The Masked Yellowthroat, it is 13.2 cm long and weighs 13 g. It has yellow-green upperparts, bright yellow underparts, and a mainly black bill. The adult male has a black facemask, bordered above with a grey band. The female is similar, but lacks the black mask.
merle corbeau
The Smooth-billed Ani, it is a mid-sized species, larger on average than the Groove-billed Ani but smaller than the Greater Ani. It measures 30–36 cm (12–14 in) in length and weighs 71–133 g (2.5–4.7 oz). The adult is mainly flat black, with a long tail, deep ridged black bill and a brown iris. The flight is weak and wobbly, but the bird runs well and usually feeds on the ground.
The White-headed Marsh Tyrant (Arundinicola leucocephala) is a small passerine bird in the tyrant flycatcher family, the only species of the genus Arundinicola. It breeds in tropical South America from Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad south to Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay. The adult White-headed Marsh Tyrant is 12.7 cm long and weighs 15 g. The male is entirely brown-black, apart from the relatively large white head and yellowish lower mandible. The female has brown upperparts and wings and a black tail. Her underparts, sides of the head and forecrown are dull white. This is a quiet species, but the call is a sharp sedik.
oil bird
A nocturnal, fruit eating bird that navigates by echolocation (like bats). They are mainly reddish-brown with white spots on the nape and wings. Lower parts are cinnamon-buff spotted with white. The stiff tail feathers are a rich brown spotted with white on either side. In the past, the fat chicks were boiled down as a source of oil.
ornate hawk eagle
The Ornate Hawk-Eagle is a bird of prey from the tropical Americas. This is a medium-large raptor. It has a prominent pointed crest, raised when excited, a black bill, broad wings and a long rounded tail.<br /> The typical adult has blackish upperparts and crown, bright chestnut sides to the neck and breast and a black-edged white throat and central breast. The rest of the underparts and feathered legs are white barred with black, and the tail has broad black bars. The underwings are white, with barred flight feathers; due to the heavy pattern birds usually look rather dark in flight.
The White-lined Tanager is a medium-sized passerine bird. This tanager is a resident breeder from Costa Rica south to northern Argentina, and on Trinidad and Tobago. It occurs in semi-open areas including gardens. The bulky cup nest is built in a tree or shrub, and the female incubates three, sometimes two, brown-blotched cream eggs for 14–15 days. Adult White-lined Tanagers are 18.5 cm long and weigh 33 g. They are long-tailed and with a mostly black stout pointed bill. The adult male is glossy black, apart from white underwing coverts and a small white patch on the upperwing. These white areas are conspicuous in flight but otherwise rarely visible. Females and immatures are entirely rufous in plumage, somewhat paler below.
This species is found only in Trinidad; it is close to extinction. This is a medium-sized cracid, 60 cm in length, and similar in general appearance to turkeys, with thin necks and small heads. They are forest birds, and the nest is built in a tree. It is mainly black with a purple gloss. The large crest is blackish, edged with white, and there are large white wing patches. The bare face and wattle are blue, and the legs are red. The call is a thin piping. The wings whirr in flight.
pitch oil
The Greyish Saltator, it is 20 cm long and weighs 52 g. The plumage depends on age and subspecies, but in general this bird has grey or greyish-olive upperparts, a white stripe over the eye, a narrow white throat, a grey breast and a buff or cinnamon belly.
plantain bird
The Yellow Oriole, it is a passerine bird in the family Icteridae. Yellow Oriole breeds in northern South America in Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, the Guianas and parts of northern Brazil. The Yellow Oriole is a bird of open woodland, scrub and gardens. Its nest is a 40 cm long hanging basket, suspended from the end of a branch. The normal clutch is three pale green or grey eggs. This is a 20–21 cm long, 38 g weight bird, with mainly yellow plumage, as its name suggests. The adult male has a black eye mask, thin black throat line, black tail and black wings with a white wing bar and some white feather edging.
poor me one
The Great Potoo: A nocturnal insectivore bird found in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America.
scarlet ibis
The Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) is a species of ibis in the bird family Threskiornithidae. It inhabits tropical South America and islands of the Caribbean. In form it resembles most of the other twenty-seven extant species of ibis, but its remarkably brilliant scarlet coloration makes it unmistakable.
national symbol
silver beak
The Silver-beaked Tanager is a medium-sized passerine bird. This tanager is a resident breeder in South America from eastern Colombia and Venezuela south to Paraguay and central Brazil, and on Trinidad. Silver-beaked Tanagers are 18 centimetres (7 in) long and weigh 25 grams (0.88 oz). Adult males are velvety crimson black with a deep crimson throat and breast. The upper mandible of the bill is black, but the enlarged lower mandible is bright silver in appearance. The bill is pointed upwards in display. The female is much duller, with brownish upperparts, reddish brown underparts and a black bill.
small corn bird
The Yellow Oriole, it is a passerine bird in the family Icteridae. Yellow Oriole breeds in northern South America in Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, the Guianas and parts of northern Brazil. The Yellow Oriole is a bird of open woodland, scrub and gardens. Its nest is a 40 cm long hanging basket, suspended from the end of a branch. The normal clutch is three pale green or grey eggs. This is a 20–21 cm long, 38 g weight bird, with mainly yellow plumage, as its name suggests. The adult male has a black eye mask, thin black throat line, black tail and black wings with a white wing bar and some white feather edging.
spur wing
The Wattled Jacana is a wader which is a resident breeder from western Panama and Trinidad south through most of South America east of the Andes. The jacanas are a group of wetland birds, which are identifiable by their huge feet and claws that enable them to walk on floating vegetation in the shallow lakes that are their preferred habitat. They are found worldwide within the tropical zone.
A small bird with a bright yellow underbelly. The wings and back are black with small white markings.