Channel rice!
It's a common tradition in haiti especially from what I hear.
Weh di ass?!?!?!?
LMAO I love the variety on this site
this is hilarious
Squatting over steam is also a so-called remedy for inducing labour! Who the hell thinks of these things!?
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...isn't it the same juices he getting when he eat you out? Spare me the heat please.
im looking at this comments believe this is true ask any old timer from back home they do this for real and it has woked...
Cheers to the women that don't need to do that shit to hold their man. I was told about this and I didn't know what it was until now 😂😂lmao
Wah de A$$ is right!!! All I know is Trini Women REAL good in the Kitchen glad them never cook fuh me first doh! But if a man would tek food from a woman he don't like she already got he.
Lmao..I've never heard of this before
I heard about it from this channel on youtube name lexo tv .
I always thought sweet rice was rice cooked with granulated sugar.....never ate it but heard of it....so to hear it's when a woman steams her va-jay jay over it is just madness
Lizzy it's not sweet rice it's sweat rice
Some Caribbean men aren't accustom to eating pum, so that's why you would sweat the rice. Also why I don't want my man eating food I didn't make.
Never heard of this make me laugh lol 😅😅😅😅😅
Who does ''tis thing it's madness. I keep my man with out this sweat rice. Come on man
Jah knw in this life mi say, it keep surprising mi how can cirtain people do this
That's too much salt for one person
I just saw this on @jaiifrais page on instagram
Lmboooooooo it works tooo! Fellas be careful !
It a kind & friendly Person from Grenada, West Indies #Greenz
What the hell #Lmao
Ewwwww... What The Hell?!? So He Ain't Tasting That Juice When He Eating You Out Huh...
Nooooo!!!! That is nasty!!!!!!! How u get up on the stove though??? And why isn't there an American flag on here?
lmao does that reallywork
da pure fockry.
That's crazy
I squat den my man put face under den we both eat sweat rice we fall both love
It cuts across all cultures and in the Spanish Caribbean its done mainly with coffee or "vajayjay water"(don't ask) as the the prime ingredient to tie the man down...it also exists in some form or other in Southern Italy as well.
Dethspicable !!
Wtf!!! Mehn you'll must be crazy thinking this is cool.
I came to read comments.
I saw that on FB a while ago and I came to check if that was a thing
Wow .
what kind of obeyah is this, if you need to drip in his rice he aint for you, go get a man who wants u and stop poison the ppl dem pickney
Well watch skunt hayyyyy
People do this all over the Caribbean. It IS real.
Pu$$y food
This shit is real. Grew up hearing about this .
One time for D.R🇩🇴
Isa Love spell lol
so i jut put the mock pan it ??
It can be metaphorical, meaning that a lady has mysteriously made a man love her, so incredibly, that magic must be involved.
Ehehh wah dis nastiness
This na true.. Never hear bout this inna vincy
What if he was the one who cooked it & I sit over it, does it still work? And how long should I sit over it?
This shit is unsanitary cause that’s booty sweat too but how is it everyone is acting like they don’t no about “Stay Home” they have many obeah rituals you can perform to trap a mate. I’ve never had to or ever will but there’s an even more nasty American version I heard of that involves blood, spaghetti or red beans and rice. Gotta be careful who you eat from out there, u never
This is some weird shit ....how is that food gon taste 😩
No american flag because its not on the list, I am from the US and I am absolutely disgusted by this. I pray no man I choose to date sees this. He may never eat my cooking.
Y’all nasty as F*CK
Thank goodness I married a woman who doesn't engage in this filthy fuckery. Wow! This is some real juju business here!
Nobody don’t do them things here
Sometimes u have to do dis to keep dem cause most of dem runs around and dem take u for granted and dem bring home sick for u even ur married husband he does take u for granted. Don't trust no flesh
Lmfaoooo I swear somethibg wrong with done people inno
nigga got exzima
This is crazy can’t believe people still do this just to trap a man that don’t want to be trapped period!!!!
Weyyyyyyyyy boiiiiiiii
lmaooo, so here in the Cayman Islands, they always saying that the Spanish woman here takes the Cayman man from the Cayman woman by doing this.... lol I say that if you ga skin out ya pum, pum and make heat from cooked rice make ya front sweat over it and have to give it to man, then u doing too much! Make that worthless man go on about his business and love ya damn self! No f-ing way LMFAO!!!!
If that worked all these baby mother issues in Caribbean families would have been long resolved. Observe 85% of Jamaican women re single mothers; majority baby mothers to 2-3 men to be conservative. And they have been cooking and sweating their rice these whole time 🙄🤮
And what about the sauce or gravy to yarm di rice?
Would try this
Being Haitian and Dominican it’s a real ting lol but sweet rice good
How do I prepare the rice?
Meen want no girl with them puss stink up me food bai nun of that skunt duhz bare fuckery
That’s a Haitian thing I heard......disgusting
I told this to my man and he is now convinced I did this to him. 😂 bishhh, I did no such thing!
This some nasty dutty shit.
I Always hearing about this “hold yuh man sweat rice”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just never knew it was really a thing.
totally nonsense!
Big Up Di Clean Nd Tight Pu$$y Gyal Nd Dem Who Don’t Have To Do These Things To Keep A Man!!🤪💫
The classic sweat rice is prepared with a passion not to bring intimacy and romance but simply to create the beh beh man
There’s a similar ritual in Malaysia & Indonesia called ‘nasi kangkang’ or ‘nasi tangas’ which directly translates to ‘squat rice’. Exactly the same concept, however some versions suggest the woman mixes period blood into the rice instead. But as this ritual involves black magic & both of these countries are predominantly Muslim, it is forbidden (so hopefully it’s not
-something commonly done 👀). It’s quite popular in pop culture though. I think it could have been made well-known due to the case of the Indonesian maid mixing her period blood into her Hong Kongese employers’ rice in hopes that they would treat her better.
You know how hot that rice has to be for the sweat to drip down? #spainWithOutTheS 🥲 And y’all right. The boot sweat will also get in the rice- nasteh. All that for two drops of doodoo and she could just date him instead🥲
i love
I love rice it so goooood
I’m from us and I’m reading a foreign book. It was talking about cooking rice to get a man you want. I googled it and here I am. Dang people are sick.
I've heard this all my life from both my parents who are from the south. They always told us kids not to eat at anyone else's house. These comments have me stitches. Yall be safe out there.
In Suriname this is called Kroi, and can also be done using menstrual blood apparently. It is black magic and, as with all dark arts, it inevitably takes a toll on the person who performed the spell
If yah ever did see a woman wid ah face resembling a busupshot wid ah real saga boy an tink. "How de arse she keeping he boy"? Well now yah kno
You hear me now and believe me later. It happened to me , 5 years now
Real tradition…. Shyt works
I have no problem if a woman wanted to trap me with this method, as long as she remains faithful too. No big deal really
Never heard of sweat rice, but in the Bahamas we call it “CooCoo soup. , same concept to “tie man”, but I hear you must cook the soup with the female’s panties or some nonsense like that. 😂
Jus let him eat pus, if he don't leave him.
How do you loose the knot/tyings?