


swaziwali 16 years ago
The meaning of bobolee seems to have changed over the years. I was born in the 1940's. Back then, a bobolee was a stuffed effigy of JUDAS which was tied by the neck and dragged through the streets on GOOD FRIDAY, usually followed by youths with sticks, beating it until it fell apart. Hence the sayings "they beat him like a bobolee", or " he get licks like a bobolee", when someone was beaten up. The current synonyms seem to lean toward someone who is taken advantage of because he or she is not smart or lovestruck.
swaziwali 16 years ago
A cunumunu is no ordinary idiot, simpleton, or stupid person, but an individual who is getting "butt","horned", and is aware of it, because his or her partner does not  conceal obvious signs of infidelity. The cunumunu does not react like most and break with the partner, but takes increasing amounts of ridicule from the mate, often going out of the way to please that person, and seems powerless to extract him/herself from the relationship.
swaziwali 16 years ago
The meanings of words seem to evolve and change with the passage of time, but this was the accepted definition in Trinidad up to the late 1960's. The Mighty Sparrow sang about a cunumunu in, I think the name of the song was 'Take yuh bundle and leave and go', early 60's.
swaziwali 16 years ago
In the 1950's there was a movie which I think was 'The Naked Jungle'. set in some Central or South American country. It was about hordes of Army Ants that moved over the land killing and eating every living thing in their path that could not get away, people included. The ants were called Marabuntas by the natives in the movie. A gang in East Port of Spain adopted the name Marabuntas soon after the movie showed. Imagine my surprise to learn that it is in fact a Wasp and not an Ant, after all these years.