St. Lucia
Trinidad & Tobago
St. Vincent
British Virgin Isles.
US Virgin Islands
also known as
avispa, jep, marabunta, mybones, was
St. Vincent
St. Vincent
jack spanias
11 years ago

just want to find out if u get bite if its dangerous

US Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
Diana York
10 years ago

If stung, what are reactions?

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
10 years ago

Marabunta (or Maribo) is not a synonym for a Jep, it's an entirely different insect. If you see a Maribo and swing at it, friends will soon follow; lots and lots of friends.

Richard John
9 years ago

More like Jack Spenna

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
9 years ago

the brown one in trinidad is jack spaniard or jep. Marabuntas are black, smaller and the nest is a totally enclosed mud ball with small entry holes and generally found in trees

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
David knight
8 years ago

I live in the good old usa of a, what happens if you get stung by one of these ? Do you need to get medical help right away or is it just like a bee sting

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
8 years ago

In St. Vincent, Jack Spanya is fluorescent orange (for DANGER lol) and sting is not dangerous unless you are allergic, however, it feels like someone hit you with a sledge hammer when they do sting. Also, where one is many will follow and swarm if feeling threatened. Best to stand still and not swipe at it. If you have a problem with them at your house, a fake nest will make them leave.

8 years ago

I got bite and it hurt Wat to do

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
8 years ago

I got sting by a jep.sting wat to do

Antigua & Barbuda
Antigua & Barbuda
8 years ago

A fake nest?! How that one work?

8 years ago

Wait a minute a wasp thought it was some type of wild bee?

7 years ago

If stung what's the reaction ?

British Virgin Isles.
British Virgin Isles.
7 years ago

I have been stung by a few of these as a child... it just hurts, nothing happens

St. Lucia
St. Lucia
7 years ago


Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
7 years ago

Yep you just get a bump which hurts

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
A non xenophobic
7 years ago

Toothpaste...that's what the old folk say. Rub some on and it'll be good. Idk how it works but it eases whatever, i guess

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
Clara Baksh
6 years ago

If stung put toothpaste on the area tha was stung

St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Kitts & Nevis
6 years ago

Know it as jack spanna ,if allergic to it you can run a fever but normally put some ice on it for the swelling and to get the stinger out of you

Dr. Joe
5 years ago

Rub with deodorant. It will ease the Pain.

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
Dragon age
5 years ago

one was ... Chasing me I did not know it was a wasp

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
5 years ago

U just get Spaniard from a Jack

St. Kitts & Nevis
St. Kitts & Nevis
5 years ago

Well I got stung on Saturday around 2 pm ..i was at the beach so instantly I went in the water you are supposed to put the ryme of any 3 bushes on the area ...squeeze out the lance man when it was 9pm my hand started paining alot not where I go stung but my elbow joints and my wrist and fingers that continued till Sunday evening with scratching rotation n swelling ..i didn't take out d lance :(

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
5 years ago

It's a real painful experience really cramp my style

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
5 years ago

Well my dad is Grenadian ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฉ . He said that he hasnโ€™t seen any Jep โ€œJack Spanyaโ€ there, only Maribo. Jep stings arenโ€™t fatal unless youโ€™re allergic to it. Symptoms include head ache and slight fever for some. Rubbing toothpaste on the sting should do the trick ๐Ÿ˜Š

5 years ago

i know it as jack spania and mybone

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
5 years ago

These are being mixed up with wasps, The West Indies have these which are not what others call wasps.Look up Jack Spaniards on Google (pronounced Jack Spanya in TrinBago), usually Brown (or Orange), Black and some have a little mix of colour not as much yellow. As said not usually fatal but large swelling and lots of pain. Of course if a whole nest swarms no guarantees from me.

US Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
4 years ago

I was stung by a Jack Spaniard, very bad reaction. Swelling, hives, developed venom poisoning. Spent 5 hours in the ER after flying home from USVI to the states. Benadryl is what you need! Itโ€™s been over a week since the sting and still suffering from the after effects. I need to carry an EpiPen now. Bees lose their stingers, wasps do not & can sting multiple times. Their stingers can

US Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
4 years ago

Wasp stingers can break off though. They will continue to pump venom if left in. Donโ€™t squeeze it out it will pump out venom. Scrape across the surface with a credit card or back of a knife.

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
4 years ago

The Jack Spanya I know of do not have venom that can kill you unless you are allergic. Honestly if stung the only thing to worry about is the pain so yeah

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Have anyone ever heard about 100 miles Jep ? When I was young one bit me on the forehead. I got fever. This Jep was about 3 times the size of a wasp and all black. The nest was like a huge mud ball and sit about 80ft high up in a tree.

4 years ago

I've been stung a lot of times trailing. I'm not dead ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Hello - a jep is either red or black and have those nests with hexagonal sections in it like in the picture. Red jeps aren't deadly and neither are black jeps, but they both hurt. The difference is that when stung by a red jep, the sting hurts for a few hours and swelling will occur. Just wait it out. A black jep sting may require antibiotics, as their venom is stronger and hurts more. Leave them.

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Another difference between the red and black jeps are the fact that only the red jeps have that open hexagonal shaped nest. They sometimes make their nest in trees, under leaves and other "calm" outdoor areas, but they apparently like building their nests on the outside of buildings. Black jeps, however, mainly build their nests outside on branches and the nest looks like a small inverted squash.

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

A red jep nest typically has 5 - 12 jeps it, but that number varies with the size of the nest. Black jep nests have a lot more jeps [in] it and usually aren't seen, although there might be a few soldiers/ guards on the outside. Black jep nests have a small entry/exit hole at the bottom and they tend to nest in trees that produce fruit. Im my next post, I'll tell of ways to get rid of the jeps

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

If there are red jeps nesting on/around your house and you want them gone, there are a few ways to do so. Firstly, you can smoke them out - make a small fire on the ground near the nest (use paper, leaves, sticks etc to produce a lot of smoke). When they fly away, or die, use a broom, PVC pipe, stick or any suitable object to hit down the nest. It might be a bit difficult as they build strong nest

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Another ay to get rids of red jeps is to have fun :P If you like adrenaline - you can soak a cloth in water, wring it out and throw the cloth directly at the nest. Whether you hit it or not, run. Jeps will fly towards you and they can fly quickly. Repeat until you successfully hit down the nest and the jeps will leave, as there isn't any place for them. Keep in mind, that they might come back.

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

A long stick, PVC pipe, broom, or other object of the like can be used to hit own the nest directly, while keeping you at a distance. Simply move the stick close to where the top of the nest is making contact with the house and shove the stick forward to break down the nest. Repeat until the entire nest has been broken down and feel free to step on the nest while it is on the ground. Wear slippers

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

As obvious as it may seem, you can use bug spray to get rid of the jeps quickly and "safely". Jeps don't really like being sprayed, so they will probably fly towards and sting you. Once all the jeps are gone (whether they flew away or died), get rid of the nest, so they won't come back soon. Should you get stung by one or more red jeps, pouring cool water on the sting tends to ease the pain a bit.

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

The sting from red jeps aren't deadly, unless it was a baby that got stung. If it is indeed a baby, immediately visit the nearest clinic or hospital, so they can reduce the swelling. Swelling isn't much of a problem for children or adults, but it can potentially induce choking for a baby, as their neck/windpipe is smaller. A jep stung baby will also be in intense pain, but children might just cry.

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Jeps tend to aim for the neck or eyes when they want to sting (to reduce the abilities of the threat), so if you are going to be around jeps, it is helpful to wear glasses, or something to protect your eyes. If they do sting close to your eyes, expect swelling to occur and last for about a day or 2. If you are allergic to jep stings, the swelling may be larger and last for longer, and hurt more

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Black jeps are a different story. Since they usually build on trees and away from people, they are less of a threat. Should you see a black jep nest in your park, field, wherever and it is a potential threat to others (people, animals, pets), the best way to get rid of the nest is to pelt it with stone. Yes,gather a few stones and start throwing them at the nest. Try to break apart the entire nest

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Of course, when pelting a black jep nest, ensure that there are no one in the close area and that there is sufficient space to run away. This is important, as black jeps are not only looking for who is pelting the nest, but also anyone in the area. If you are standing still when a black jep nest is being harrassed, expect to get stung. Jeps don't go alone - when one comes to sting, more follows

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

A black jep sting hurts quite a bit and feels like if someone stuck a red hot needle in your back (or wherever you got stung). The pain is like a rollercoaster - not bad at first, then starting to hurt, this really hurts, this is REALLY hurting now, red hot needle, OUCHHHHHHHHHH, am I bleeding? Are you sure I'm not bleeding? It feels like I'm bleeding (in seconds) and then as days go, less pain

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

A black jep sting is a tiny black dot at first (the stinger) with a 2 inch wide circle of swelling around it. As the seconds go by, the circle of swelling gets larger and larger, bringing more pain with it. As best as you can, don't think about the pain and it won't hurt as much. A nice shower helps (not a lot, but anything is better than nothing) and days later, the swelling will reduce to gone.

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

A jep is not a maribone (or the name close to that). A maribone is a smaller, black and yellow striped flying stinging insect. They build nests high up in trees, or in lower hanging branches or leaves :/ (banana leaves). Their nest is a small brown sphere, looks like paper mache and has a small exit hole at the base. The nest can be larger and contain more maribones. The sting isn't bad - numerous

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

When one maribone comes to sting you, they send a distress signal for others and that causes many more maribones to fly out and sting you as well. There is a larger version of the maribone and their sting is a lot worse (comparable to that of a jep) and again, it's usually not one sting, but numerous. Their nests are like brown paper mach cylinders, again with a small exit hole at the bottom of it

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

A maribone is similar to a jack spania, but the differ in size - maribones tend to be a bit smaller than jack spaniards, but the sting is almost the same. A maribone or jack spaniard looks like a slim version of a bee. Jeps, maribones and jack spaniards also have a shiny abdomen (stinging part in the back), whereas the bee's abdomen looks fuzzy. A bee's sting is worst than a maribone/ jack spania

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Some jeps/ wasps don't make visible nests on trees or building, but rather, they make their nest in the ground. If you know that there are jeps in the area and see a small pencil sized hole in the mud or sand (mostly sand), that's likely the wasp nest underground. Pouring rubbing alcohol in the hole and lighting it tends to work at killing them (if you see the wasp enter the hole to begin with)

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

Jeps, wasps, maribones, jack spaniards, sand wasps and hornets are pests. They contribute nothing to society, make building look bad, make people not want to pick their own mango/ their neighbors mangoes and should be killed. Have no mercy on them - BOP spray and a lighter - roast them. HOWEVER, BEES ARE GOOD. DO NOT KILL BEES - CALL A BEE SPECIALIST TO REMOVE ANY BEE HIVES. BEES ARE GOOD FOR US

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
4 years ago

How many people were stung in one year?

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
3 years ago

Over a 1000 people I guess

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
3 years ago

And I got stung once,when I was a kid.The pain is UNBEARABLE

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
Sure but unsure
3 years ago

Jeps, Maribo and anything alike all belong to the wasp family of you get stung just wash the stinger out of you skin with soap and do not use toothpaste you need to wash and then apply Benjies or cream to decrease pain. The sting feels like a doc's needle or worse depending on where you stung. Also respect nature and nature may respect you so don't go killing random jep nest or may backfire

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
Rosey Haynes
3 years ago

I'm only eleven years old and I got stung by this and it hurt and it swollen my foot wat will happen to me next??๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
3 years ago

Dont worry the pain will go away,I got stung and still alive :)

3 years ago


Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
3 years ago

Just sharing on the Trini โ€˜Jepโ€™ aka Jack Spaniard. I personally know 3 persons, who I have witnessed after being stung by a single โ€˜Jepโ€™ they immediately start swelling severely by the face and throat, and cannot breathe. If within 20 minutes they do not make it to the ER they do not survive. Does anyone know what can be done for this, beside Epipen, any anecdotes? It can be a deadly

US Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
3 years ago

We call it jack spania. I got stung by them many times as a yout, but thats because I use to catch them in my hands or fling stones at the nest

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
2 years ago

Yes the jep is either red or black they are harmless but they really hurt and they will chase you down and they will sting you up, donโ€™t stay still, but run fast ! What you have to worry about is the smaller kind of stripped one called Maribone. They chase you down too !

US Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
2 years ago

Theyโ€™re harmless to me. They will try to fight you though lol. Iโ€™ve had a lot of experiences with them, multiple at a time at times. I remember one came after me I tried to hit it, he dodged all my hits like a boss, he even came back looking for me!!! Lol really funny. But their sting depends on your pain tolerance because there is a good deal of sting.

St. Vincent
St. Vincent
2 years ago

I got stung on my toe and my whole instep is swell and it hurts alot. What should do to get rid of swelling and pain?

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
last year

As a kid I would get rid of them and their nest with my high powered Water Pistol Filled with soapy Water. once they are immobilized and hit the Floor , I simply step on them.

US Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
last year

Jack spania, mess with one and it will run u down like ah gunman ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

US Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
last year


Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
last year

Thanks for the info @Sebastian .. very useful. Need to get rid of a huge Maribone nest hanging at the top of my mango tree.

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
8 months ago

Today a jeep was on my head I took it of and it sing me I am a child turning 10 and cried trying to call my mother at that time I was at my grandmother's talking to my neighbor

Trinidad & Tobago
Trinidad & Tobago
8 months ago

Today a jeep was on my head I took it of and it sing me I am a child turning 10 and cried trying to call my mother at that time I was at my grandmother's talking to my neighbor

St. Martin/Maarten
St. Martin/Maarten
princess harris
7 months ago

I got sting this morning am in a lot of pain its on my right wrist my hand is swollen it getting difficult for me to close my palm

British Virgin Isles.
British Virgin Isles.
7 months ago

Yall rlly just fragile jackspanias dont sting hard bro