LOL ! We call it pommecythere in Trinidad :).
Golden apple
its called golden apple people
This page is very helpful
This fruit was introduced to the Caribbean around the late 1700's-1800's. So all the different countries of the West Indies have their own name for it. There is a lot of french influence in Trinidad, "pomme" is the french word for apple Spondias dulcis (syn. Spondias cytherea) is the scientific name for it, so that's where we TRINIS get "cythere" from so we call it POMMECYTHERE!!!
The fruit was also called Amra,by the Indians probably because of the South Indian Tamils who came to Trinidad as indentured labourers
Hell no
A still can't get the meaning as yet
lol educational and humorous, we sounding like we speaking different languages lol
Golden Apple
Pommcythere is the name
Scientific name: "Spondias cytherea" General association : "Apple" French for apple: "Pomme" Apple - Spondias cytherea Pomme - Spondias cytherea Pomme - Cytherea "Pommecythere "
bwai how ya no so much about dis!
Golden Apple
pommcythere we call it here
June Plum in Jamaica
allyuh de ting name POMMECYTHERE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a tree in we yard growing up. Used to peel and soak in vinegar with pepper, onion and shadow Benny to make ah chow.. talk bout good!!!
We call I pomceie
Let's just accept we all from different countries and we all call it different names.
I’m from California, USA, and I call it pommevythere! But my flag and country missing, and I don’t blame you.
it is pommecynthere pom-sai-tai
June plum
Growing up in Tobago, I remember calling it Pomsetail lol.
Manzana de oro
I grew up in Tobago. I knew it as golden apple as a child. As an adult I stated hearing and using the name pommecythere.
We're calling it by different names but surely can agree that it's definitely Caribbean and delicious. In Trinidad 🇹🇹 it's Pommecythere
Pommecythere we call it in Surinam 🇸🇷
We call it June Plum.
Called jobo (hobo) in Venezuela ,and other Latino teritories such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc.
Called jobo (hobo) in Venezuela, and other Latino teritories such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, etc.
In St Lucia we call it pomme-cythere as well ( it's spelt with accents but I'm lazy so we will stick with the French spelling lol) and also golden-apple
In Belize we call the fruit Golden Plum or in Belize creole Golinplum.
I am lucian I was born we called it golden apples as I got older it became pomecythere today it is still both golden apples and pomecythere,now believe me people I am old, I mean 15 years old, so this fruit is old and good taste good
Older Natives call it pommecythere. t has gradually shifted to Golden Apple because of immigrants.
That flag, in my original post, is not the flag for the U.S.V.I.. That is where I was referring to. Webmaster, please get our flag right. It has the spread eagle et al